11 Shifts In Malaysia Education Blueprint Pdf

Meticulous planning within this duration is essential to include transformation of human resource management and.
11 shifts in malaysia education blueprint pdf. Malaysia education blueprint pelan pembangunan pendidikan malaysia 2013 2025 free download kuala lumpur. The malaysian ministry of education envisioned that 11 shifts need to be executed to bring about the change in education. Malaysia education blueprint 2013 2025 executive summary e 34 shift 11. The state of education in malaysia malaysia s achievement in education enrolment is significant.
The highlights of the malaysia education blueprint 2013 2025 as launched by deputy prime minister tan sri muhyiddin yassin are manifold. Increase transparency for direct public accountability why it is needed. Although pre school education is not compulsory in malaysia it was reported that almost 91 per cent of children at the age of four and five in the country were enrolled in some form of pre school education in 2014 malaysia 2015. Malaysia education blueprint 2013 2025 foreword 11 the malaysia education blueprint 2013 2025 has set clear targets that need to be achieved in terms of quality equity and access within 13 years.
The gtp and economic transformation programmes signalled a fundamental shift in the way the government made itself accountable to the rakyat. Over the course of two years the ministry drew on multiple sources of input from malaysian and international education experts to leaders of malaysian hlis and members of the public. The ministry is led by minister of education aims to provide all malaysian citizens with equal access to quality education that form highly skilled knowledgeable and united malaysians. The 11 shifts required to implement the blueprint.
The highly anticipated national education blueprint 2013 2025 which was launched on tuesday outlines 11 shifts required to transform the national education system to be on par with and comparable to that of developed nations over the next 13 years. The malaysia education blueprint is based on the following objectives. The malaysia education blueprint higher education will be centered on 10 shifts intro ductory. Malaysia education blueprint meb the curriculum will still stress on student centred and differentiated teaching but it will have a greater emphasis on problem based and project based work a streamlined set of subjects or themes and formative assessments.
The ministry of education malaysia governs all national education related matters from preschool to higher level education. The malaysian school system also aims to introduce an accelerated learning.